New Zealand offers help for Arakan reconciliation

New Zealand offers help for Arakan reconciliation
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New Zealand expresses its interest to help the Arakan State of Burma in its reconciliation process. Visiting New Zealand foreign minister Murray McCully disclosed about it when he met Arakan government officials Wednesday, said an official report.


During his visit to Arakan on 3 July to study the ground situation, the New Zealand minister sat with the lawmakers, government officials, community leaders and social network activists for elaborate discussions and resolutions.

The authority arranged the meeting of the foreign minister with the Rakhine State implementation of peace and stability and development central committee at a government office in Sittwe.

The State chief minister U Hla Maung Tin elaborated the New Zealand minister about the progress of relief works, food and drinking water supply, matters related to education and health care facilities in the State.

The deputy ministers for Border Affairs Maj-Gen Zaw Win, described about the distribution of aids from UN agencies and INGOs with the rehabilitation works and necessary follow-up tasks.

The visiting minister declared that his government and the people of New Zealand are ready to help the  Burmese government in Naypyidaw to resolve the Arakan crisis.

He also met another batch of Arakanese delegates at noon in a Sittwe hotel and  tried to understand the ground realities of Arakan situation. The Arakanese leaders apprised him about the situation of Arakan.

Later the New Zealand minister also visited a number of relief camps in Setyonsu, Khaungdokka and Dahpaing.