India’s automobile giant Tata Motors will soon launch the famous low-cost Nano in Myanmar, although the small one-box vehicle will not be living up to its reputation as the world’s cheapest 4-wheel car on this occasion.
Tata intends to retail the Nano for a whopping 9.9 million kyat (US$11,500) after tax—s omewhat higher than its original sales price in India of just $1,800.
Director Htoo Aung Lin of Tata’s partner APEX Greatest Industrial Company told Mizzima that the Indian cars may go on sale this week but purchase orders will take about one or two months.
More than 70 Nanos have already been ordered to serve as taxis in Yangon. The four-gear car reportedly contains air-conditioning, electronic windows, and computerized dashboard functions boxes, and can reach a top speed of 100mph.
Htoo Aung Hlin said that, at the moment, the Nano can only be purchased on a cash basis, and that there are two showrooms in Yangon.