Rohingya villagers summoned by Nasaka

Rohingya villagers summoned by Nasaka
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Nasaka personnel forced villagers to attend a meeting recently where they laid down the law about what and what not they are allowed to do. Over 60 villagers, including village heads, were made to listen to a long list of specifications dictated by the Burma border guard force from area 7 in southern Maungdaw, Arakan state.

“Villagers were called to the village of Khonza in Aley Than Kyaw village tract. They were ordered (by Nasaka) not to leave houses from 10:00 pm to 6:00 am,” said a village leader.

During the meeting, a Nasaka commander told the participants that anyone who has visiting relatives must inform authorities. Furthermore no-one can leave the village without permission.

Mohammed Taher asked the Nasaka Commander how Rohingya with farms outside of their village can tend to their crops. The commander said whoever wants to stay outside of the villages must first ask state authorities.

The commander also told the villagers that houses cannot be demolished without first getting permission.

 “If anyone doesn’t comply with the order, he/she will be punished according to the law,” said the commander.

A politician who didn’t want their name used said some claim the country is becoming democratic, but nothing has changed in the rural areas of the country. Although Thein Sein has changed his military clothing for civilian clothing “the president’s mindset hasn’t changed”.