One monk and three activists arrested by USDA members

One monk and three activists arrested by USDA members
by -
Nay Thwin
Chiang Mai – Members of the 'Union Solidarity and Development Association' (USDA) raided the National League for Democracy (NLD) party headquarters where the 63rd birthday celebrations of pro-democracy leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi was going to be held. They arrested a monk and three persons from the office.

Chiang Mai – Members of the 'Union Solidarity and Development Association' (USDA) raided the National League for Democracy (NLD) party headquarters where the 63rd birthday celebrations of pro-democracy leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi was going to be held. They arrested a monk and three persons from the office.

The USDA members forcibly entered the party headquarters a few hours ago when about 700 NLD members were going to commence the birthday celebrations and took away a monk and three men from the office.

"We released birds after offering alms to monks. The members shouted 'Long live Daw Aung San Suu Kyi'. Then the USDA members entered our office and took away four people. They are U Tun Myint, a monk and three other persons," Nyan Win, party spokesperson, said.

About 1,000 policemen, armed riot police and USDA members were deployed around the party headquarters.

"There are about 1,000 personnel around our office with five to seven Toyota Dyna light trucks. We also saw many police cars," an eyewitness said.

The confrontation between NLD members and authorities took place since alms food was offered this morning to over 200 monks and nuns. The party headquarters had to be closed temporarily.

"Yes, we had to close our office for a while. We will offer alms shortly and have completed the Tuesday alms offering. We haven't yet offered alms for today," a NLD Youth member said.

Negotiations between the authorities and NLD leaders is in progress when Mizzima last contacted them at 12:30 BST.

Though the party invited five monks to offer alms at about 10:30 to 11 a.m. BST to observe the 63rd birthday of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, the monks could not  come to office as the authorities blocked their way, U Nyan Win said.