We can reverse HIV/AIDS epidemic by 2015, says UN Sec-Gen

We can reverse HIV/AIDS epidemic by 2015, says UN Sec-Gen
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In a message to mark World AIDs Day on December 1, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called for global efforts to halt and begin to reverse the epidemic by 2015.

aids day“The UNAIDS World AIDS Day Report for 2012 reveals significant progress in preventing and treating HIV/AIDS in the past two years,” he wrote. “The number of people accessing life-saving treatment rose by 60 percent and new infections have fallen by half in 25 countries—13 of them in sub-Saharan Africa. AIDS-related deaths have dropped by a quarter since 2005.

“Half the global reductions in new HIV infections in the last two years have been among new-born babies. I urge [UN] Member States to intensify their efforts to eliminate mother-to-child transmission, and to work to ensure all HIV-positive mothers can survive and thrive.”

Ban also called for stronger efforts to eliminate the stigma and discrimination that increase risk for vulnerable populations.

“We must make information, testing and treatment available to all, so every man, woman and child can enjoy their fundamental right to the medical care and essential services that will end this devastating epidemic,” he said.

As of 2011, there were an estimated 216,000 people living with HIV in Burma. According to the 2011 HIV Sentinel Surveillance data, HIV prevalence among female sex workers was 9.4 per cent, among people who inject drugs 21.9 per cent, among men who have sex with men 7.8 per cent, and among pregnant women attending antenatal care services 0.9 per cent. More than 40,000 adults and children receive antiretroviral treatment, but it is estimated that over 120,000 people are in need of treatment.