Locals Worry Violence in Arakan State Will Start Again

Locals Worry Violence in Arakan State Will Start Again
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Arakanese Buddhists worry communal violence will flare up again if authorities don’t implement measures to bring out stability in all of Arakan State.

Kyauktaw-Army-ShootMaung Soe Win, from Pan Myaung Village in Minbya Township was seriously wounded on Nov.5 after an attack by a group of Muslim men from nearby Nagarar and Lakma villages. He has been sent to a hospital in Minbya for medical treatment.

“Maung Soe Win was attacked by around 20 Muslims with slingshots and arrows while working in his paddy fields outside the village,” said an elder.

Although the police and the army have investigated the attack no charges have been made.

An Arakanese school teacher also from Pan Myaung said it’s very dangerous to travel by boat to Minbya. “The Muslims living on the river bank attack the boats with slingshots and arrows. There’s no rule of law in our township.”

Authorities ordered people to surrender their weapons to nearby police stations on Oct.31. Many were confiscated in Rathaydaung Township. However, authorities haven’t confiscated weapons in Minbya and Mrauk-U townships.