Several People Killed After The Military Open Fires On Boat in Kyauktaw

Several People Killed After The Military Open Fires On Boat in Kyauktaw
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Arakanese boatmen have been killed and injured after the Myanmar military opened fire on a boat around 4 pm, on Oct. 25 in the Kaladan River near Kyauktaw. Many others are still missing.

An elder told Narinjara he saw several of the corpses of the people killed in the hospital on Saturday. “There are now already four who were killed, twelve injured and some others who were onboard and are still missing after the shooting,”

The four people whose bodies have been identified are: Htwee Hla Sein, 28,  Oo Kyaw Hla, 23, Ko Tun Aye Thar and Ko Maung Win Hlaing. It’s believed the men were from Ton Ma, Lak Pru, Thar Se and Alae Kyaun villages in Kyauktaw Township.

 “We can’t say why the army shot the boat. But it’s likely the army assumed the men were trying to attack Muslim villages. There were over 30 people onboard,” said the elder. There are still 14 people who are missing.

Ten out of twelve people who were seriously injured during the incident were sent to Sittwe Hospital. Ko Than Shwe is in critical condition and was airlifted from the Sittwe Hospital to Rangoon on Saturday.

This latest incident, since the violence re-erupted in the region, has brought the Arakanese death toll to 8 in Kyauktaw Township - four others were killed during army shootings during clashes with Rohingya in Paikthe Lak Saung Kauk. In total, 14 Arakanese are believed to have been have been killed by the military.

According to State television the casualty toll has raised to 84 dead and 129 injured over the past week in nine townships in Arakan (Rakhine) State.  It’s still unknown how many were Arakanese or Rohingya. But Human Rights Watch claim Rohingya Muslims bore the brunt during this latest round of violence.