Kyaukpyu Residents Face Rising Fatalities and Injuries from Landmine Explosions

Kyaukpyu Residents Face Rising Fatalities and Injuries from Landmine Explosions

Despite the absence of intense fighting, the Kyaukpyu township, where Chinese projects are located and where military tensions are high, has recently seen an increase in landmine explosion incidents resulting in fatalities and injuries among locals.

A tragic incident occurred at around 8 a.m. on 17 September when a local woman from Toechae ward in Kyaukpyu town lost her life after stepping on a landmine while gathering leafy vegetables near Aungzaydi(Ngakarkyaukkaryi) village.

A 26-year-old woman named Ma Mae Swe passed away while receiving medical treatment at Kyaukpyu Hospital.

A person close to the family said: “Those who went were Ma Mae Swe, her mother, and her nephew; a total of three family members. They went to gather mushrooms. Ma Mae Swe stepped on a landmine, resulting in the amputation of her right leg below the knee. However, by the time they arrived at the hospital, she had already lost too much blood and passed away."


The area where the landmine exploded, located about two furlongs away in a region known as (Taungshae Taung), has a junta base, and these mines were also planted by the junta, according to residents.

A villager from Aungzaydi village said: “The junta has attached vinyl banners warning of landmines on trees and has also cautioned locals to stay away from Aungzaydi village and its surrounding areas. However, with so many landmines planted, people foraging for food or fishing are frequently injured in landmine explosions.”

Three local men from Kularbataung, Zaytitaungkwin, and Ayarshi wards were seriously injured by landmine explosions near the Aungzaydi village area in February, March, and July 2024.

On 8 September, U Maung Htun Shwe, a 58-year-old man from Saingchone village in Kyaukpyu Township, was seriously injured when he stepped on a landmine while grazing cattle, amputating his right foot below the ankle.

According to residents, these landmines were planted by the junta. There are also numerous landmines planted near the junta bases in Kyaukpyu Township, and the Dhanyawaddy Naval Base.

A young social activist from Kyaukpyu town said: “Although there has not been intense fighting in Kyaukpyu region, the landmine threat is a significant concern. The junta planted mines everywhere to defend the town from the potential Arakan Army(AA) attack. As a result, the situation has led to a significant increase in injuries among locals while foraging for food.”

According to residents, the junta has planted landmines in Ngalapwae, Taungyin, and Zaydiya wards, as well as in approximately 20 villages, including Aungzaydi, Saichon, Gonechon, Omedaw, Malakyun, Pyinesaekay, Mintattaung, Hnanphaetaung, and Kularba in Kyaukpyu Township.

According to data collected by DMG since November 2023, there have been 6 fatalities and 13 injuries from landmine explosions in Aungzayti, Saichon, Omedaw, Malakyun, Pyinesaekay, Hnanphaetaung villages in Kyaukpyu Township.

Currently, the AA has blockaded Kyaukpyu town and the junta's bases,  leading to high military tensions between the two sides. However, the presence of Chinese projects causes limitations on military actions from both parties, according to residents.

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