Drone strike injures three junta soldiers in Palaw Township, Tanintharyi Region

Drone strike injures three junta soldiers in Palaw Township, Tanintharyi Region

On 27 August 2024, people’s defence force (PDF) drones attacked a junta base in Meelaungchaung Village and a temporary junta base in Shatpon Village, both of which are in Palaw Township, Tanintharyi Region.

A spokesperson for the Myeik District 1st Battalion, a local PDF group, told the Than Lwin Times that when the PDF drones dropped bombs on the junta’s Meelaungchaung Village base three junta soldiers were killed.

PDF drones also dropped bombs on a contingent of about 60 junta troops temporarily stationed in the nearby Shatpon Village, but junta casualty numbers there are unknown

After the Meelaungchaung Village base was bombed, soldiers there retaliated by arbitrarily firing artillery and small arms. Fortunately they caused no injuries and no PDF members were injured during the missions.

Junta troops regularly enter Shatpon Village in large numbers and set up temporary bases there, according to local resistance forces.

Early on the morning of 29 August there was fighting between the junta troops in Shatpon Village and fighters from a coalition of PDF groups. Currently there are no casualty numbers or further details about that skirmish.

Previously, also in Palaw Township, on 17 and 26 August, resistance drones attacked a junta base on Aung Thar Yar Hill near Magyikone Village, killing two junta soldiers.

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