Political Prisoners Face Heightened Oppression at Kyaikmaraw Prison After Change of Management

Political Prisoners Face Heightened Oppression at Kyaikmaraw Prison After Change of Management

Political prisoners at Kyaikmaraw Prison in Mon State are experiencing increased persecution following recent changes in senior prison leadership, reported the Political Prisoners Network-Myanmar (PPNM).

On June 15, 160 inmates were transferred from Kyaikmaraw Prison to Daik-U and Tharyarwadd prisons. Shortly after, Chan Aye Kyaw was appointed senior director, Kyaw Kyaw Oo as junior director, and Kyaw Zin Aung as chief warden of Kyaikmaraw Prison.

According to Ko Thaik Tun Oo, spokesperson for PPNM, all three officials have gained notoriety for their oppression and corruption, exacerbating conditions for political prisoners.

"We’ve uncovered a plan by authorities to systematically oppress the prisoners, months prior," Ko Thaik Tun Oo stated. "Under these officials known for brutality, conditions are worsening with increased restrictions and harsher treatment,” he added.

On June 25, under the leadership of chief warden Kyaw Zin Aung, guards physically assaulted five political prisoners, placing them in solitary confinement and restricting family visits. The prisoners face multiple charges under prison regulations, as reported by PPNM.

Ko Thaik Tun Oo highlighted a rise in junta-imposed terrorism charges, intensifying violence against political prisoners. "This appears to be a deliberate strategy to suppress dissent," he remarked, noting a shift in prisoner demographics and increased authoritarian measures. “Currently, there's a decline in political prisoners charged under Section 505(A) and an increase in those accused of terrorism. It appears that prison authorities are trying to justify harsh treatment of violent crime inmates to prevent issues,” he said.

At Kyaikmaraw Prison, political detainees frequently stage hunger strikes to protest human rights abuses, curtailed rights, and aggressive interrogation tactics.

The facility, housing over 1400 inmates, has witnessed fatalities due to excessive coercion and physical abuse by prison authorities.

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