Junta Airstrike Hits Schools and Education Office in Hsenwi

Junta Airstrike Hits Schools and Education Office in Hsenwi

In Hsenwi (Theinni) Township, Shan State, a couple of schools and the Education Director's office, controlled by the Kokang armed group, Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA), were bombed by the junta around midnight.

At 1:00 am on July 12, junta aircraft dropped three bombs on No. 1 Basic Education High School (BEHS-1) and the Education Director's office, both controlled by MNDAA, as well as on No. 2 Basic Education High School (BEHS-2) in No. 3 Ward, destroying all these educational facilities, according to locals.

A local source suggested that the junta likely targeted the buildings, assuming MNDAA troops were deployed nearby, but there were no reports of casualties.

Since the first week of July, the junta's reconnaissance planes have increased their presence over the MNDAA-controlled town, prompting residents to relocate to perceived safe zones and stay overnight to avoid nighttime air raids.

“In Hsenwi town, it's quiet and empty. At night, locals sleep in farm huts, seen as safer from air raids. Many avoid sleeping in town now. There were two occasions where the junta planes circled by day and returned at midnight to drop bombs”, a local woman told Shan Herald.

Around midnight on July 3, at least 10 houses were destroyed when a junta fighter jet dropped three bombs on the area behind the police station in Ward No. 2.

Currently, the Three Brotherhood Alliance, including MNDAA, is mounting a major offensive against the junta's Northeastern Military Command in Lashio, while the junta is retaliating with airstrikes targeting MNDAA-controlled Hsenwi.

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