Myitkyina primary schools in dire need of financial support

Myitkyina primary schools in dire need of financial support
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Kachin News Group
Government primary school authorities are in a spot in Myitkyina, the capital of Kachin State in northern Burma. Since the Burmese military junta banned school authorities from asking for donations from parents of students and prohibited taking primary school registration fees, acute financial crunch has hit them squarely in the face. Schools are finding it increasingly difficult to buy classrooms materials, a source said.

Government primary school authorities are in a spot in Myitkyina, the capital of Kachin State in northern Burma. Since the Burmese military junta banned school authorities from asking for donations from parents of students and prohibited taking primary school registration fees, acute financial crunch has hit them squarely in the face. Schools are finding it increasingly difficult to buy classrooms materials, a source said.

Parents have not made any donation to schools aware that a ban by the regime is in force. The government circular has been pasted in schools, said a school teacher in Myitkyina.

"There has not been much donation from the student's parents so we are facing difficulties buying what we need for the school. Even the government has not supported us," said a primary school teacher in Kyunpyinta quarter.

"Despite the government ban, some schools like N0. (3) Government High School and Middle School are still asking for donations," a school teacher added.

On the other hand, some students in Myitkyina cannot afford to enroll in the school because of financial constraints. Living costs have increased following the rise in price of rice following Cyclone Nargis which devastated Irrawaddy Delta, a resident said.

Meanwhile, even a month after the devastating cyclone hit Burma, there is still need for basic relief and aids in various affected areas in Irrawaddy Delta, report international news agencies.