Chin Resistance Launches Offensive on Junta-Held Town near Indian Border Chin State

Chin Resistance Launches Offensive on Junta-Held Town near Indian Border Chin State

Chin resistance forces, operating under the Chin State government's Ministry of Defense, launched an offensive against the Junta's 269th Infantry Battalion stationed in Tonzang town on May 16, Salai Htet Ni, spokesperson for the Chin National Front (CNF) reported.

"Today, our troops began their attack on the 269th Infantry Battalion in Tonzang. In response, the Junta launched three rounds of airstrikes”, he said. Salai Htet Ni also emphasized that the conflict was solely directed towards the Junta forces,and not against the Zomi Revolutionary Army (ZRA).

Despite the Junta's deployment of jet fighters to conduct three rounds of bombing, the Chin resistance fighters emerged unscathed.

The operation, carried out by several Chin resistance forces, aimed to capture the   Tonzang town, situated on the border between the states of Mizoram and Manipur in northeastern India.

"The Chin National Army (CNA) worked together with local defense forces to carry out this operation. We urge the people to lend their cooperation”, Salai Htet Ni added.

On May 11, the Junta conducted two airstrikes on Lungtak village near Tonzang, resulting in the destruction of two churches and five houses. Over 1,000 residents from Lungtak and surrounding villages have fled following the attacks.

Locals residing close to the police station in downtown Tonzang have already been evacuating since early May, prompted by rumors of imminent fighting.

On May 3, Christian leaders and town elders in Tonzang convened to urge the conflicting parties to refrain from engaging in combat near residential areas.

The Junta and armed groups including: the Zomi Revolutionary Army - Eastern Command (ZRA-EC), People's Defense Force - Zoland (PDF-Zoland), Chinland Defense Force - Tonzang (CDF-Tonzang), and Thahdo Defense Force (TDF), are all currently operating in Tonzang.

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