Skin Disease Rampant Among Infants Under One Year in Demoso IDP Camp

Skin Disease Rampant Among Infants Under One Year in Demoso IDP Camp

In an internally displaced people (IDP) camp situated in the eastern part of Demoso Township in Karenni State, a skin disease is spreading among children under one year old.

Maw Pareh Myar, a mother whose child is currently afflicted, disclosed that the skin disease, causing lesions on children, has been spreading within the IDP camp for approximately four months.

"Every mother in the camp is concerned for their children. Children suffering from the disease worsen, if they are exposed to the smoke from frying something. This skin condition is common among children under one year old, particularly on their hands where lesions often appear. While some adults are also affected, the number is minimal”, she said.

She highlighted the obstacles of controlling the disease due to the absence of a self-reliant clinic within the IDP camp, and the logistical difficulties in traveling and communicating to access hospitals.

Since the last week of April alone, at least 15 children under the age of one in the camp have contracted that skin disease.

The lesions primarily manifest on the limbs and abdomen of infected children. While most recover within a few days, some endure prolonged illness lasting for months.

"Some children have been sick for a long time and haven't gotten better yet. The disease also spread when children were kissed on their cheeks. Children's skin is delicate and cannot fight the disease well. Most children's sores get better when we put Betadine antiseptic on them. But if children do not get enough care, the symptoms of the disease last longer than they should”, a volunteer health worker said.

Due to the seasonal transition, some IDPs in the camp are also experiencing symptoms such as runny nose and cough. While some of the war-displaced individuals in the eastern part of Demoso are taking risks and returning to their villages, the majority are still sheltering in IDP camps.

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