UNFC holds conference on ethnic peace process

UNFC holds conference on ethnic peace process
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The United Nationalities Federal Council (UNFC) held an ethnic conference in Thailand from 14 to 16 September to draw up a political strategy for the peace process between armed ethnic groups and the Myanmar government.

The conference discussed behaviour, balance, and justice in peace talks between armed ethnic groups and the government. Attendees developed a plan to invite international observers, require the media to make public statements, and to conduct conferences in different states and regions of Myanmar to gather public opinion. The alternative peace plan also aims to hold a conference with all ethnic groups that will result in agreements and a ‘union accord’ to be implemented in accordance with a chosen timetable.

“I think the conference can achieve lasting peace for ethnic groups,” said a Chin leader.

The current UNFC Chairman General N'Banla alerted ethnic people to political affairs in the country and advised them not to believe in some of the changes as they do not constitute real reform.

Military affairs adviser General Khun Uk said that holding an ethnic-wide conference would assist with gaining political rights and can allow the ethnic groups to speak in one unified voice.

The conference hosted 150 participants including 20 representatives from armed ethnic groups, political parties, experts, and civil society organizations. The event marked the first conference by the UNFC since the peace talks began earlier this year