KNU Declares Intent to Eliminate Illegal Casinos and Scam Businesses

KNU Declares Intent to Eliminate Illegal Casinos and Scam Businesses

The Karen National Union (KNU) declared its intent to combat the rise of illegal casino gambling and scam businesses that have footholds in Myanmar.

In its statement issued on February 13th, KNU expressed a profound understanding of and commitment to, addressing international concerns regarding the proliferation of telecom scam gangs and illegal casinos operating along the borders of Karen State.

KNU’s statement also highlighted that the thriving illegal casino gambling operations and scam gangs are negative legacies of the systemic corruption, and failures to uphold responsibilities perpetuated by successive regimes in Myanmar.

KNU has also asserted that the military junta is clandestinely providing protection and support to these criminal activities, and directly benefited from them. They emphasized

that these illegal businesses not only cause various social problems for the people of Karen State, but also inflict suffering on their victims, while also posing a threat to regional stability and jeopardizing international financial security and economic stability.

KNU's statement also affirmed its determination to vigorously combat scam businesses and illegal casinos, pledging to collaborate with neighboring countries and international organizations to achieve this objective.

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