NUG Invites Wa State Party to Collaborate in toppling the Junta Pangsang - Wa autonomous Zone

NUG Invites Wa State Party to Collaborate in toppling the Junta Pangsang - Wa autonomous Zone
Photo- UWSA
Photo- UWSA

The National Unity Government has invited the United Wa State Party (UWSP) to work together to overthrow the military dictatorship and build a new federal democratic state.

This was stated in a message sent by the NUG’s Ministry of Defense on the 35th anniversary of the establishment of the UWSP on December 20.

The message said that,” Today is the time when the entire country and all citizens are fighting together to bring down the military dictatorship, which has caused disaster and retarded development in the country.”

The message also states that the NUG’s Ministry of Defense respects and acknowledges the political position of the UWSP.

U Than Soe Naing, a military and political analyst, said that if the "Wa" group joins the Spring Revolution, the fight to topple the military dictatorship will gain momentum and the NUG made an impressive offer.”

The UWSP is the most powerful and well-equipped ethnic armed group, with its own administration, defense, security, and judicial system zone bordering and they operate inside an autonomous zone bordering China.

Political analysts point out that the "Wa" group is the leadership of the Federal Political Negotiation and Consultative Committee (FPNCC), which is a group of northern allied ethnic armed groups, support by China and stands with a neutral policy in the revolution.

However all the other northern ethnic armed groups—the Kachin Independence Organization (KIO), Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA-Kokang), the Ta'ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) and the Arakan Army (AA)—are now  participating in the armed conflict to overthrow the military dictatorship.

U Than Soe Naing pointed out that if the UWSP joins the spring revolution, Operation 1027 of the Three Brotherhood Alliance in northern Shan State would  gain momentum.

However as the coup regime has no power over the Wa administration and their strength owes much to their close bonds with China, it is highly unlikely they would suddenly side  with the anti-dictatorship revolution sweeping the rest of Myanmar.

On November 1, the "Wa" group called for a cease-fire and dialogue on the fighting going on in northern Shan State, taking no sides and adhering to the principle of neutrality and adopting a pro-Chinese perspective.

The Than Lwin Times tried to reach the spokesperson of the Wa group to comment on the offer of the NUG’s Ministry of Defense to work together in the fall of the military dictatorship but did not receive any response.

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