Extortion Getting Worse at Junta checkpoints along Mawlamyine-Yangon Highway Karen/Mon States

Extortion Getting Worse at Junta checkpoints along Mawlamyine-Yangon Highway Karen/Mon States

Military Council troops have increased intensified their extortion rackets at checkpoints along the Mawlamyine-Yangon highway and near military outposts, according to travelers and drivers who spoke to Than Lwin Times.

Junta forces have set up at least 10 checkpoints along the Mawlamyine-Yangon highway   since the coup in February 2021,and these checkpoints have been used to extort money from travelers and vehicles.

Currently regime troops stationed along the highway are extorting 1000- 5000 MMK from each passing vehicle and 3000-5000 MMK from cargo trucks. Witnesses claim the Junta army is arbitrarily delaying vehicles that resist paying extortion money, under various pretexts.

A motorist who spoke to Than Lwin Times reported that extortion occurs at all checkpoints along the Mawlamyine-Yangon highway, resulting in a cumulative cost of approximately 70,000 MMK for a single trip.

In June, the Junta chief attributed the rising commodity prices to unnecessary toll costs and directed State and Regional-level officials to take stringent measures to address the issue. However his subordinates failed to heed his instructions

The Mawlamyine-Yangon Union Highway is a crucial transportation artery for travelers and exporters in Mon State, Karen State, and Tanintharyi Region, accommodating thousands of vehicles daily.

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