Over 40,000 Local Residents Fled to Safety Within 5 Days Due to Conflict in Rakhine State

Over 40,000 Local Residents Fled to Safety Within 5 Days Due to Conflict in Rakhine State

In Rakhine State, conflicts are escalating between the Junta’s forces and the Arakan Army (AA), resulting in a growing number of internally displaced persons (IDPs).The current conflict has forced over 40,000 people to flee their homes.

On November 16, the Junta’s air force and navy launched artillery shells and small arms fire, forcing more than 25,000 residents of Pauktaw Township to evacuate to safer locations.

Pauktaw residents commented that fearing for their lives, they were forced to flee with just a what they were wearing at the time. The Military Council indiscriminately fired artillery shells and small arms. "We didn't even have a meal of rice. Fifteen people had to escape on four motorbikes. It was raining, and we were living in damp clothes. We are uncertain about our future and appeal for assistance from international organizations," shared an individual who fled the conflict in Pauktaw Township.

Since the commencement of the conflict in Rakhine State on November 13, the Military Council has blocked both land and waterways, creating obstacles for international and non-governmental organizations (INGOs/NGOs) as well as social aid organizations to carry out humanitarian work.

Around 15,000 people from over 10 villages such as Kyauk Seik, Tan Khoe, Kyaw Zan, Kywe Htoe, and Nat Seik in Ponnagyun Township are fleeing to safety, concerned about the potential danger from artillery shells launched by the Military Council.

The 550th battalion stationed in Ponnagyun is consistently launching artillery shells. Fearing the artillery shelling and the small arms fire from warships navigating along the Kaladan River, people have evacuated to ensure their safety.

Daw Than Htay Chey, who escaped from Tan Khoe Village in Ponnagyun Township, said, "We had to flee using boats, navigating through strong waves. Fearing the presence of the navy, we ran for our lives. With scarce food, we are grappling with uncertainty about how to sustain ourselves in the future."

Starting from November 13, more than 1,000 residents from Jade Chaung, Wet Kyein, and Ta Man Thar villages in Maungdaw Township have fled to neighboring villages due to the ongoing conflict between the Military Council troops and the Arakan Army (AA).

Those displaced by the conflict are urgently in need of food, clothing, shelter, and healthcare.

"We only possess a single piece of clothing. Everything is damp due to the rain. Currently, the villagers have done their best to provide us with food and drink. However, looking ahead, hardships are anticipated," said a displaced individual from Manaw Thiri village in Pauktaw Township.Among those fleeing are children and the elderly, and their health is a concern due to the ongoing heavy rains in Rakhine State.On November 16, a 7-year-old girl passed away due to hypothermia (death from extreme cold) among the 500 residents fleeing Done Nyo Village in Maungdaw Township.

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