Military Council Conducts Photo checks for Passenger Verification at

Military Council Conducts Photo checks for Passenger Verification at

Passengers, motorists, and local residents have reported are inspections involving the verification of passengers through photographic checks,at certain Military Council checkpoints along the Sittwe-Yangon highway in Rakhine State.

According to an anonymous motorist, at the Kyauk Tan checkpoint in Sittwe township, Kyauk Taw division, and at various checkpoints in Ann township, Military Council troops are inspecting passengers by comparing them with photographs.

"Passengers and vehicles undergo regular inspections. I recently witnessed passenger photo checks at the Kyauk Tan checkpoint when departing Sittwe in the early morning. Similar photo checks are being conducted at the Pelpadon checkpoint in Ann Township," he reported.

During these inspections, Military Council troops are not only scrutinizing the National Registration Card (NRC) and addresses of the passengers, but are also verifying whether the individuals in the photos they hold match the passengers being checked.

"We've also heard that the Pelpadon checkpoint in Ann Township is conducting photo checks. They have informants who provide them with precise information sourced from Military Security Affairs and the administrators appointed by the Junta, regarding the identities and travel directions of individuals. In Rakhine, when the military council conducts arrests, they frequently target individuals based on prepared lists," stated a resident of Ann Township.

In recent days, two male passengers traveling on an express bus from Yangon were apprehended at a checkpoint located near Ann Township.Residents have reported that in recent times, inspections at military checkpoints along the Sittwe-Yangon highway have become more rigorous than in the past.

On August 29, at 10:30 PM, a 19-year-old named Maung Nyi Nyi San from Seik Ta Ra Village, Myebon Township, and another young man were arrested at the Daunt Chaung Checkpoint outside Gwa Township. They were apprehended on suspicion of having ties to the Arakan Army (AA) while traveling from Toungup Township to Yangon.

According to local residents, at Military Council checkpoints in Rakhine state, Rakhine youths are frequently arrested and subjected to inspections on suspicion of having connections with the Arakan Army (AA). As a result of these actions, ordinary civilian passengers express concern when they approach military checkpoints.

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