Military Column Abducts Over 100 People in Hpakant

Military Column Abducts Over 100 People in Hpakant

A Military Council column that moved towards Hpakant Township in Kachin State abducted over 100 residents, including IDPs and car drivers, from Namya village without any apparent reason.

According to residents of Namya, as reported by Myitkyina News Journal, Military Council troops abducted several car drivers who were stuck in the village, along with IDPs and local residents during the night of August 24.

"Some IDPs and car drivers were abducted. They were taken from the church where they had sought refuge from the conflict. This incident took place last night at 8 o'clock," reported a woman from Namya.

During the night of August 24, when the Military Council column arrived in Namya village, they arbitrarily abducted local men from the village and IDP men seeking refuge in the church compound.

"They forcibly kicked open the church doors and abducted individuals who had sought refuge in the church from Kat Hmaw and Hseng Hpa Yar villages. Many adult men were among those abducted," explained a local resident from Namya.

Cars that were stuck in Namya Village were compelled to turn back towards Myitkyina Township early on the morning of August 25. Furthermore, the road to Hpakant Township is still closed.

The Military Council columns entered the villages and carried out abductions without any prior notice, targeting only the male residents.

On August 22, the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) launched an attack on Military Council troops engaged in military operations near Ma U Pin village along the Myitkyina-Hpakant road in Kyauk Htu village. The conflict between the two factions escalated into intense fighting, resulting in heightened tension in the region.

Due to the heightened military tensions, traffic along the road is also restricted.

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