Northern Thandaung Defense Force Claims Military Advantage in moving Closer To Naypyidaw

Northern Thandaung Defense Force Claims Military Advantage in moving Closer To Naypyidaw

The Northern Thandaung Defense Force (NTDF) has reported military gains in advancing towards Naypyidaw from the borders of Karen State and Karenni (Kayah) State in partnership with other Karenni resistance forces

On August 15, the NTDF reported that joint forces consisting of the NTDF and the Southern Shan State Pekon Thit Kyaik 1004 PDF engaged in clashes with Military Council troops in the mountainous region east of Pyinmana from August 10-14. During this battle, approximately 50 Military Council troops were reported to have been killed.

"From a military perspective, we maintained the upper hand. We collaborated with the Pekon PDF.During the period  August 10 -14 there were  7 clashes with the Military Council, and we successfully seized their Boe Ma Thandaung camp," U Mote Seik, the information officer of the NTDF, shared when discussing the ongoing military situation with KIC.

During the clash on August 10, the joint forces confiscated the weapons of the Military Council and set their camp ablaze. Following significant losses, the Military Council launched counter-attacks and engaged in military operations to regain control of the camp, which is situated just 20 miles away from Naypyidaw, according to the information officer.

"The Boe Ma Thandaung camp serves as a pivotal route connecting Pyinmana (Yaeni) to Mobye and Pekon townships in Karen State.This camp holds significant military importance for the Military Council," he explained.

On August 11, the Military Council conducted airstrikes on Boe Ma Thandaung (upper) village, where the conflict between the two sides persisted. As the military operations escalated, residents from nearby villages such as Boe Ma (lower), Boe Ma (upper), Tesu, Yaepu Lay, and others were forced to evacuate for their safety, as reported by local news sources.

As a result of the airstrikes, numerous homes in Boe Ma Thandaung (upper) village sustained damage, and tragically, some local residents lost their lives, according to residents.


The NTDF's military press release, issued on August 15, invited the resistance forces situated in Naypyidaw to join in cooperation with the NTDF, facilitating the ongoing advancement towards Naypyidaw. The NTDF is an armed force collaborating with revolutionary forces in the northern Thandaung Gyi township and the mountainous eastern Pyinmana region, united in their fight against the Military Council. The NTDF has effectively established control over a significant portion of the northern territory.

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