Burma hopes for 100 gold medals in SEA games: minister

Burma hopes for 100 gold medals in SEA games: minister
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Burma that will host the 27th SEA Games in 2013 with hopes to win 100 gold medals including the top soccer medal, Sports Minister Tint San told Mizzima after a meeting of the government’s coordination committee in Naypyitaw on Monday.

 MizzimaWe think we will get many medals in cycling, chess, billiards and long distance running. [Burma’s] U22 soccer team has qualified so we hope we will get a gold medal in soccer,” Tint San said. “We hope we will win more than 100 out of more than 300 gold medals.”
He said the opening and closing ceremonies will be held in the new Zabuthiri Stadium in Naypyitaw in December 2013, and the government has asked for tenders from Chinese, Thai and Malaysian companies for necessary technology required to host the games and the international media that will cover the event.
Meanwhile, Burmese athletes are training hard for the SEA Games. Tint San said in the meeting that rifle and pistol competitors, archers, weight lifters and karate athletes were training hard at Lewe Field in Naypyitaw three times per week.
In the SEA Games, 31 sports will be represented.

Vice President Dr. Sai Mauk Kham, the patron of the Committee for Preparation of the 27th SEA Games, also attended the meeting. He said athletes have a chance to  write their own history of success and to help fulfill Burma’s integaration with regional countries.