Ye Township Residents Panic as Military Council's Artillery Shelling Intensifies

Ye Township Residents Panic as Military Council's Artillery Shelling Intensifies

The 317th Artillery Battalion of the Military Council, stationed in Ye Township, Mon State, has been conducting increasingly intense bombardments, leading to a state of panic among the residents.

From November 4- 5th, the 317th Artillery Battalion fired no less than six rounds in the vicinity of villages located in territory controlled by the New Mon State Party (NMSP), a local reported.

"We heard the sound of shells piercing the air and loud explosions, indicating the firing of at least six artillery shells. The explosions were so powerful that we feared the shells had landed near our houses. In fact three shells landed in orchards near Kaingtaw and Natkyauk villages on the other side of Yitchaung, with one shell detonating dangerously close in Natkyauk, putting people at risk of injury. There were also reports of artillery rounds falling in Weipaung village”, he told IMNA.

According to subsequent reports, the artillery shells launched by the Military Council detonated in close proximity to the villages of Weipaung, Kyonlaung, Kaingtaw, and Natkyauk, all located around the territory controlled by NMSP.

According to a villager from Yitchaung, while there were no casualties or damage to homes as a result of the shelling, the local residents are still experiencing a state of panic.

"In our village everyone is in a state of extreme panic. As soon as rumours spread that Bamar soldiers (Military Council troops) had entered the village, people did not even wait to verify whether it was true or false, and everyone scattered in a state of confusion. The situation is very chaotic and frightening”, he said.

As a result of the Military Council's artillery threat, certain residents have become afraid

to venture into the rubber plantations for harvesting. Additionally, some individuals are concerned that the conflict may escalate and have chosen to evacuate as a precautionary measure.

Furthermore, a violent clash between the Military Council and the People Defense Force (PDF) occurred on October 20th, near Kyonlaung village in Ye Township, resulting in the death of one civilian and the injury of another due to crossfire.

According to local accounts, the Military Council bases located in Ye Township, where martial law has been declared, have been frequently conducting indiscriminate shelling towards residential villages, resulting in civilian casualties.

During the commemoration of the eight-year anniversary of the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) on October 16th, NMSP asked Senior General Min Aung Hlaing, the leader of the coup Regime, to take measures to curb the indiscriminate, reckless, and unprofessional artillery firing by the Military Council troops in Mon State.

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