Working class struggles to survive under military regime

Working class struggles to survive under military regime

Amid the military coup, it became more difficult for ordinary people to survive due to a lack of employment opportunities, and food and shelter for their families.

In nearly two years of military takeover, ordinary people have struggled to eat enough food due to sky-high prices of essential foods and unemployment issues.

However, the common people have found it difficult to provide for their families because of the curfew and travel restrictions imposed by the military council.

A citizen said, “Before the seizure of power, I was comfortable with my own job and able to provide for my family. After the military coup, our jobs are no longer secure. I had to sell my property to make ends meet.”

In addition, basic people have to work odd jobs, and wages are said to be less than half of what they got in the past.

A commoner claimed that while he once worked as a vendor, he is currently unemployed, occasionally works odd jobs, and is unable to send his children to school.

The aid workers said that if the ordinary people continue to face this situation for a long time, there will be a situation of famine, and crimes such as theft and looting may increase.

On the other hand, people are arrested almost every day for entering other countries through illegal routes due to the scarcity of local jobs.

The businessmen said that in order to restore the socio-economic life of the common people, the country needs to be stable and peaceful. Only then will domestic and foreign investments come in, and there will be job opportunities.

During the almost two years of the military coup in Mon State, the excessive increase in the price of goods and the unnecessary restrictions of the military council in the economic sector have reduced activities in construction, hotels and tourism, and most other industries, while some businesses have completely stopped, leaving thousands of workers unemployed.

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