Workers’ rights completely lost during coup

Workers’ rights completely lost during coup

Since Myanmar's military coup more than one and a half years ago, workers' basic labor rights have been completely gone, and they are being unjustly oppressed, labor activists told Than Lwin Times.

Workers hadn’t enjoyed their basic rights during the coup, and their human rights were being violated.

At the factory, the working hours of the workers are set at 8 hours a day, but the employers are forcing them to work overtime and night shifts without pay.

In addition, employers are blatantly violating workers' rights by forcing workers to work overtime without pay on public holidays like Sundays, an official of the Federation of General Workers Myanmar (FGWM) said.

Additionally, the labor activist claimed that pregnant workers who are entitled to six weeks off before and eight weeks off after giving birth are being fired illegally from factories and workshops.

According to the FGWM, factory workers have been raped, robbed and killed by gangs when they return from overtime work after 10 pm.

The International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) announced that six months after the military coup, Myanmar had become one of the top 10 countries with the most violations of labor rights.

In addition, the military council arrested labor union members and labor activists who participated in protests against the coup, and some have been laid off.

However, as a result of the military coup, foreign investment is leaving the country, jobs are scarce, and unemployment is rising, and firms are instead hiring daily wage workers rather than employees paid on a monthly basis.

More than one million workers have lost their jobs 18 months after the military takeover, according to the International Labor Organization (ILO).

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