“We need to collectively amend the constitution. We need to rewrite the constitution if it cannot be amended. That’s why, ethnic parties need to win victory in ethnic areas.”

“We need to collectively amend the constitution. We need to rewrite the constitution if it cannot be amended. That’s why, ethnic parties need to win victory in ethnic areas.”
by -
Saw Thonya (NMG)

The KSPP plans to form a coalition government in cooperation with other ethnic parties based in Kachin State. The KSPP promises to work for peace, we will push for the total cancellation of the Myitsone dam project, support a federal democratic union and establish respect for indigenous rights. The following is the interview with U Kwan Khaung Aung Kham, 2nd Vice-Chair of the Kachin State People’s Party (KSPP).


Q: What is the party’s policy on achieving peace?


A: The last two successive governments were unable to achieve peace. The party will make an all-out effort for peace if we win seats in this election. The KSPP will coordinate it with EAOs and other parties. The party plans to build a genuine federal union.


A: The party’s election pledge covers the return of IDPs. What is the party’s plan for the IDPs?


Q:  We will discuss it with the IDPs and EAOs, and locals. Nothing will happen if we do it in the form of a directive. We have worked out a plan to provide a future secure human society for IDPs. It is required for the IDPs to return to their native towns. Coordination among all those involved is required.


Q: The party said it will continue to try for the cancellation of the Myitsone Dam Project. What will you do when you become a MP?


A: It is important to expose the truth about it. There should be transparency in financial matters. The total cancellation of the dam project is our objective. Not only our party but also the entire nation is opposed to it.


Q: May I know the party’s policy and attitudes towards mega projects in Kachin State?


A: I frequently oppose mega industrial zones. The reason is our country has not achieved peace yet and is unable to forge a genuine federal union. We have no rights of self-determination. There is no reason to accept mega projects given these circumstances.


Q: The megaprojects will cover the OBOR project crossing Kachin State. What is the party’s attitude towards the One Belt One Road (OBOR) project being implemented by China?


A: As I mentioned earlier the party doesn’t agree to the project, as the country has yet to become a federal union. The main point is to achieve peace. The party will decide whether the project should be implemented or not, only after building up a genuine federal country.


Q: There are many migrant workers in Kachin State. How will the KSPP work for the rights of indigenous people?


A: First we need to discuss it in parliament. The second point: it should be included in the constitution. It is difficult to implement that matter if it is not inserted in the constitution. After the enactment of that point in the constitution, laws will emerge to protect the indigenous people.


Q: How will the party deal with land issues and banana tissue problems in Kachin State?


A: We need to review whether the lands where banana plants are grown are in fact legal and whether the farming system can benefit locals, or the use of fertilizers can have negative effects. We will conduct the review after the overall research. We will discuss it in parliament.


Q: What is your plan to create an employment opportunity for ordinary people?

A: It will be related to regional business. We need to implement agriculture, livestock and other trade. Border trade should be small-scale. We need to implement small and medium businesses and apply our resources. There should be a systematic extraction of natural resources. We need to invest in health and education and encourage small-scale businesses.


Q: Do you have anything to add?


A: The 2020 transition and change is very important to Myanmar’s future transition. The big parties have no capacity to handle this transition. Ethnic parties must build up a future federal union, joining hand in hand with the big parties. We need to strive for peace and amend the charter in a collective manner. We need to rewrite a new constitution if the current charter cannot be amended. Ethnic parties need to win the victory in ethnic areas. I would like to request all our people to vote for ethnic parties.

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