“The voters who chose me shall not lose face”

“The voters who chose me shall not lose face”
by -
Salai (MNJ)

An interview with Ko Aung Hein Min, the youngest new parliamentarian in Myanmar.

Ko Aung Hein Min is the youngest elected candidate of the ruling National League for Democracy (NLD) among the elected candidates across the country. He secured the lower house parliamentary seat in Hpakant Township in Kachin State. Now he is still 25. The MNJ interviewed Ko Aung Hein Min about youth affairs and his election pledges.

Q: Now you have won the election. What will be your first public act?

A: In my position I cannot implement, rather I am able to push for the implementation of various measures. There are many things to be done in places like Hpakant Township. First I will try to work on the emergence of better transportation, which plays a major role in regional development.

Q: How will you continue to implement your pledges made during the election campaign?

A: I did not give any specific pledge during the election campaign period. I will try to implement the positions included in the NLD election manifesto as much as I can. I have a plan to implement some measures, although I did make a pledge.

Q: How will you deal with the Hpakant affairs in parliament?

A: I will raise the questions about the gems law, natural environment, migrant affairs and the real situation about jade mining.

Q: May I know your first proposal you will submit in parliament?

A: I have planned to submit my first question which is fundamental. I will raise the question on the construction of Hpakant-Moegaung Road. Now I am collecting the facts and data.

Q:  What about the policy for youths as you yourself are very young

A: In Myanmar, youth affairs policy is already in place. I will try to extensively implement the existing policy.

Q: What is the major challenge for a youthful MP?

A: The challenges for a young person are just the same as those for the elderly I have all the challenges that politicians usually face. The people may have no trust in me as I am so young. Only time will tell. I have self-confidence.

Q: What kind of promise do you want to give to the voters?

A: My pledge to the voters is the voters who chose me, will have no regrets.

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