US, WCC and WKC condemn Myanmar arrest, detention of Kachin Baptist leader Dr Hkalam Samson

US, WCC and WKC condemn Myanmar arrest, detention of Kachin Baptist leader Dr Hkalam Samson

The US government, the World Council of Churches (WCC), and the World Kachin Congress (WKC) have condemned the arrest and detention by the Myanmar junta of Rev. Dr Hkalam Samson, the Kachin Baptist leader.

Reverend Hkalam Samson is the former head of the Kachin Baptist Convention, an organization based in northern Myanmar's Kachin State representing the mostly Christian Kachin minority, who was detained in December 2022 by authorities under the junta that seized power in Myanmar two years ago.

The WKC released a statement expressing deep concern over “the unlawful and arbitrary arrest” of their faith leader, Rev. Dr Hkalam Samson, by the Tatmadaw.

Rev Samson is currently working as an advisor to the Kachin Baptist Convention after serving for a decade as president and general secretary of the organization, their statement says.

“He has tirelessly and courageously devoted his work to achieving justice and equality for his community and beyond,” reads the statement from the WKC.

Dr. Samson has been a key religious leader in Myanmar, working tirelessly with people of different faiths to promote religious freedom, harmony and human rights for people of all faith. He has also been in the forefront of providing humanitarian assistance for those impacted by violence and conflicts in the Kachin State.

WCC acting general secretary Rev. Prof. Dr Ioan Sauca reiterated the WCC’s deep concern over churches and related institutions amid the deteriorating humanitarian, human rights, and political situation in Myanmar since the military coup that took place on 1 February 2021.

“We renew our calls for the military authorities to hand back the control that they have illegitimately seized, and to release all those who have been arbitrarily arrested, denied due process, and who remain in detention,” said Dr Sauca. “The actions by the military leaders of Myanmar constitute an unconscionable assault on the democratic transition and on the people.

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