Underage student protesters arrested in Yangon

Underage student protesters arrested in Yangon

Five underage students were violently arrested by junta troops after an anti-military demonstration in Yangon’s Thingangyun Township, Yangon on 30 May.

The students were arrested after taking part in a protest against the junta with 30 members of the All-Burma Federation of Students’ Unions (ABFSU).

A central committee member of the ABFSU said to Mizzima: “The demonstration was jointly conducted by the All-Burma Federation of Students' Unions (ABFSU) and alliance groups in Thingangyun Township. Five students were arrested after the demonstration by men with guns in civilian clothes and were also beaten with a gun. One of the detainees was a woman. The detainees are basic education students so most of them are underage.''

The students had been protesting and holding banners that had slogans that included ''We will take back the country from the military regime”. While the students were demonstrating the men in plainclothes arrived and later arrested the five students when they were trying to hail a taxi. Some other protesters managed to escape from the men.

The five detained students are all basic education students and members of ABFSU (Yangon). They were detained at South Okkalapa Township Police Station.

“The military council is fully responsible for all their terrorist acts including violently arresting innocent students and people, killing people who fight for democracy, setting fire to villages, torture of people and atrocious killings without proper reasons. Due to their terrorist acts, the military council will inevitably be judged by the people one day”, said A central committee member of the ABFSU.

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