Two residents from Pain Nae Taw village injured by heavy weapon fire

Two residents from Pain Nae Taw village injured by heavy weapon fire

On the morning of July 29, two local residents were injured by an explosion from heavy weapons targeting Pain Nae Taw Village, which is located in Thaton Township, Mon State.

U Zeya and Ma Htwe Htwe Aye from Sa Snar Gone Village were walking to Pain Nae when heavy weapons were fired  near Thinyathu Bridge which is near the villages of  Pain Nae Taw and Wan Be.

According to a local resident,  ``They received injuries in the forearm, chest and legs."

U Zeya and Ma Htwe Htwe Aye were sent to Thathon Township Public Hospital for medical treatment.

Last May, three workers were killed by heavy weapons fire that occurred  near Wi Yaw Village in Thathon Township.

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