Three Victims of the Junta’s Indiscriminate Shelling in Lashio

Three Victims of the Junta’s Indiscriminate Shelling in Lashio

Indiscriminate artillery rounds unleashed by the Military Council claimed the lives of a young girl and two women in Mongtin village, Lashio Township, Shan State.

On November 9th, Nai Mon, a 60-year-old woman, and Nang Sai, a 12-year-old girl from Mongtin village, were tragically killed instantly by an artillery shell fired by the Military Council while they were preparing breakfast at home.

Nang Shwe, a 40-year-old woman also lost her leg due to an artillery shell, and was subsequently transported to Lashio Hospital. However she tragically passed away shortly after reaching the hospital.

"Several artillery shells struck our village. An elderly woman and a girl in a house died on the spot, while a 40-year-old woman who lost her leg died upon reaching the hospital. All three casualties were women”, a Mongtin villager told Shan Herald.

The duo, who perished in the house, were war-displaced individuals accustomed to seeking refuge in the village monastery. The tragedy unfolded as they briefly returned home to prepare breakfast on that ill-fated day.

"In the days leading up to this tragedy, the Military Council had randomly shelled, but Mongtin village was not directly hit. This time it appears they believed there were resistance forces were in the village and started shelling. In fact there were no armed organizations, only ordinary villagers. Three houses were hit, and a shell landed in the monastery compound, luckily without detonating”, a villager said.

Artillery shells also landed in Mongtin village on October 28th, resulting in the destruction of at least six houses.

Approximately 200 war-displaced individuals are currently seeking refuge in the Mongtin village monastery. With the onset of winter, the elderly and children have fallen ill during this seasonal transition, urgently requiring medical attention and food supplies.

Ever since the commencement of 'Operation 1027' by the Three Brotherhood Alliance against the Military Council on October 27th, relentless fighting has unfolded in the vicinity of Lashio Township, leading to a total of over 6,500 war-displaced individuals. Aid workers stress the immediate need for women's menstrual items and children's clothing to assist these displaced individuals in their time of distress.

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