Thousands of Chinese Nationals Run Rampant Gambling Operations in Payathonzu

Thousands of Chinese Nationals Run Rampant Gambling Operations in Payathonzu

In Payathonzu (Three Pagodas Pass) Town, located in Kyainseikgyi Township in Karen State along the Thailand-Myanmar border, thousands of Chinese nationals are openly operating widespread gambling businesses.

Payathonzu residents have reported a surge in Chinese citizens entering the town since May, with the numbers now reaching into the thousands.

Since May, following the Border Guard Force (BGF) notification requiring foreigners engaged in gambling and telecom scamming (Zhapian) businesses in Shwe Kokko, Myawaddy Township, Karen State, to leave by October, Chinese nationals have begun relocating to Payathonzu.

Currently, these Chinese citizens are renting houses, dormitories, and guesthouses in downtown Payathonzu at premium prices, and they are also acquiring prime plots to construct deluxe residences.

“Chinese residents have been tenants and operating gambling businesses in the neighborhoods for quite some time. Recently, areas like Kyaung Gate Tan, controlled by the Democratic Karen Benevolent Army (DKBA), have been bluntly designated for gambling activities”, a Payathonzu resident reported.

Chinese nationals arriving from Thailand with passports and proper documentation, as well as those transported via the Myawaddy-Mawlamyine-Payathonzu Road by arrangements between BGF and DKBA, are now residing in Payathonzu. DKBA and BGF reportedly charged up to 100000 THB per Chinese citizen for these transportation services.

Currently, casinos and gambling businesses proliferating in Payathonzu are operated by Chinese nationals and individuals affiliated with DKBA and BGF, as reported by organizations monitoring ethnic armed groups in the region.

“The gambling operations involve not just Chinese nationals but also affiliates of the DKBA”, an analyst said.

Apart from junta troops, DKBA, BGF, Karen National Union (KNU), Karen National Union/Karen National Liberation Army - Peace Council (KNU/KNLA-PC), New Mon State Party (NMSP), and now the People's Defense Force (PDF) are all active in Payathonzu.

“The minimum bet can start at just 100 or 200 THB, attracting manual laborers and young people to gamble. We hear news of burglaries every day, and no one regulates the openly operating gambling businesses. There are thousands of gambling rings in town”, a local said.

On the other hand, local businessmen are concerned that the influx of Chinese nationals operating gambling businesses will dominate the town's economy.

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