Thailand likely to mediate tension between two Karen armed organizations

Thailand likely to mediate tension between two Karen armed organizations

According to a statement by the Kawthoolei Army (KTLA), Thailand is scheduled to intervene on September 3 to resolve tensions between the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) and the KTLA in the Myeik-Dawei District, where the Karen National Union's (KNU) 4th Brigade operates.

In the statement issued on September 2, the KTLA announced its intention to inform the public, Kawthoolei communities, and advocates about Thailand's plan to mediate negotiations between the two sides.

KIC has contacted KTLA leaders for more details about the statement but has not yet received a response. However, sources close to KTLA have confirmed that the statement was indeed issued by the KTLA.

The 201st Battalion of the KNU 4th Brigade stated that they have not yet received any instructions from their superiors regarding the KTLA-claimed negotiation, nor have they been notified by the Thai authorities.

"So far, we don't have any specific information. We’ll have to wait and see if the Thai authorities will only meet with our superiors. If they do come here, we expect to have more details. At this point, nothing specific can be confirmed,” said KNU Myeik-Dawei District Chairman Saw Phalo Soe Win.

Tensions between the KNLA and KTLA in the KNU 4th Brigade territory of Myeik-Dawei District since last year have resulted in shootouts, and these tensions persist to this day.

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