Teenager Shot Dead by Ward Clerk in Hsenwi Township

Teenager Shot Dead by Ward Clerk in Hsenwi Township

A tragic incident occurred in Hsenwi Township, Shan State, where a 16-year-old boy was fatally shot by the clerk of the ward administrator.

According to residents, on July 2, a ward clerk armed with a gun shot two young men, around 16 years old, in Manlong village, Mongpar village-tract, Hsenwi township.

According to locals who spoke to the Shan Herald, two 16-year-old young men from Manlong village, residing in Hsenwi township, Mongpar village-tract, were riding a motorcycle towards Kone Nyaung village. During their journey, a man on another motorcycle approached from the opposite side of the road and fired a gun.

"Two individuals were riding each motorcycle, traveling in opposite directions. Aik Sai was the individual responsible for discharging the firearm. He is a ward clerk appointed by the Hsenwi Township General Administration Department office. He is also involved with the Pang Hsay militia in Hsenwi Township. He aimed his weapon at the two young men riding the motorcycle, causing the passenger's head to be struck, leading to instantaneous fatality," a man who knew what happened told the Shan Herald.

As a result of the shooting, the young man riding pillion on the motorcycle was fatally shot in the head and died instantly.

The perpetrator of the shooting incident is identified as a ward clerk from Hsenwi Township who often walks in and out of Mongpar Village openly carrying a firearm at his waist.

Furthermore, according to local residents, the soldiers stationed at the military council checkpoint refused to allow the deceased teenager's body to be brought back to the village.

"After bringing the body back to the village, the parents made arrangements to offer food to monks in honor of the deceased on his day of passing. However, the Military Council prohibited access to the village, compelling us to perform the offering outside its boundaries," the person above said to the Shan Herald.

Sixteen-year-old Sai Myint was tragically killed by ward clerk Aik Sai, who is currently evading capture.

The parents and relatives of Sai Myint are seeking justice and demand that Aik Sai, the perpetrator, be held accountable and receive appropriate legal punishment for their actions.

The parents and relatives of the deceased, Sai Myint, have filed a complaint with the officials of the Township General Administration Department office and the SSPP/SSA forces operating in the area, urging them to arrest Aik Sai, the individual who shot their son.

"They have come to complain about the situation and content. We are still investigating to find the person who committed the crime. We are now in touch with Aik Sai's relatives. They say they don't know where Aik Sai is. They have promised to take responsibility for the compensation,” an SSPP/SSA official active in the area told the Shan Herald.

The armed forces present in Mongpar village include the Military Council troops, as well as the Kachin KIA, Ta'ang (Palaung) TNLA, and Shan State Progress Party/Shan State Army (SSPP/SSA).

Following the military coup, political unrest has spread throughout the country, including Shan State, leading to a distressing situation where the armed forces are shooting, arresting, and torturing people without valid reasons.

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