Tattoo Artist Arrested on Accusation of Being a PDF Member, Military Council Continues Search and Arrest of Related Individuals

Tattoo Artist Arrested on Accusation of Being a PDF Member, Military Council Continues Search and Arrest of Related Individuals

Following the arrest of a tattoo artist in Myitkyina Township, Kachin State, who was accused of being a member of the People's Defense Force (PDF), sources close to him have revealed that Military Council troops are actively searching for and apprehending individuals associated with him.

The tattoo artist who was arrested has been identified as Ko Wai Phyo, aged 26, according to a source close to him.

A close acquaintance of his shared, “Yesterday, the Military Council troops apprehended him. He is not a member of the PDF. He is a tattoo artist. On June 24, at approximately 11 am, they forcibly entered his residence, physically assaulted him, and took him into custody.”

At 11:00 am on June 24, Military Council troops apprehended Ko Wai Phyo, a tattoo artist from Shan village, Aye Mya Tharyar Ward, Myitkyina Township, accusing him of being a member of the People's Defense Force (PDF).

Ko Wai Phyo was arrested and taken to the Myitkyina Interrogation Center. Additionally, a person close to the family revealed that not only was Ko Wai Phyo's house searched, but the homes of his close relatives and friends were also subjected to searches.

"I heard that he is currently under arrest and being subjected to physical abuse at the interrogation center. Moreover, the houses of his friends are being raided by the Military Council troops. Not all of them are members of the PDF," he said.

When asked about the arrest of Ko Wai Phyo, an official from the Myitkyina Township KPDF stated, "He does not belong to our group. I have heard about his arrest, but he is not a member of our PDF."

According to local residents, since the arrest of Ko Wai Phyo on June 24, approximately 30 Military Council troops have been conducting searches and inspections of other homes in the Shan village.

"They are conducting searches at the residences of Wai Phyo's friends as well as the houses of his neighbors. Despite thorough inspections, nothing has been found. The family members are deeply concerned. Wai Phyo's arrest was unrelated to the PDF, and now they are extending their search to other houses. This raises questions about what might happen next. Furthermore, they have taken him to the interrogation center, intensifying the anxiety of his family members. Wai Phyo has a child," said a person close to the family.

For over two years following the military coup, the military council troops in Myitkyina township have been arresting individuals on allegations of having connections to the People's Defense Forces. Furthermore, there have been incidents of explosions, and as a result, innocent individuals have been subsequently detained.

According to some residents of Myitkyina Township, it is rare for individuals with genuine affiliations to the People's Defense Forces to be arrested. Instead, they assert that innocent people are frequently subjected to arrest based on various accusations.

Given the current situation, young and middle-aged individuals need to exercise caution and be mindful of their behavior and movements.

In April of this year, a female CDM employee was arrested in Mogaung Township, Kachin State, while in June, two KIO administrative officers were arrested at a guest house in Myitkyina Township. Furthermore, Hpakant Township has witnessed frequent arrests of local residents as well as arrests and shootings involving KIO troops.

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