Stone-mining in Zinkyeik injures local people

Stone-mining in Zinkyeik injures local people

In Zinkyeik, Paung Township in Mon State, debris from a stone-mining operation conducted by the Correctional Department fell on villagers and caused injuries, according to U Zaw Zaw Htoo, Hluttaw representative of Paung Township Constituency (2).

During the 14th regular session of the Mon State Parliament that convened on September 23rd, U Zaw Zaw Htoo asked if Parliament was aware that falling debris from the stone-mining operation caused destruction to houses and hit people.

“Local people are feeling unsafe due to constantly falling stone debris in their environment. They have informed me that debris falls on people …[this happens approximately] twice a month. This can harm their lives, so I have raised the concerned question [in Hluttaw meeting],” said U Zaw Zaw Htoo.

People have been killed by falling stone debris during the previous government period. However, there were no records of action taken on the cases, he added.

A new system for the stone-mining operation has been developed that prevents the falling of debris on houses, according to Col. Nay Htut Oo, Mon State Border, and Security Affairs Minister.

“[Companies] will pay serious attention to their operations to prevent this kind of incident occurring again. [Companies] need to consult with people who live nearby and implement the project harmlessly. If any problem occurs again, the prosecution process will take place, according to the law,” added Col. Nay Htut Oo.

There are 27 licensed stone-mining companies in Mawlamyine, 64 in Thaton and over 20 on Kalama Mountain [ZinKyeik Mountain] in Paung Township. Paung Township is the largest producer of road paving stones in Mon State.

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