SSPP Battles Burma Army In Northern Shan State

SSPP Battles Burma Army In Northern Shan State

The Shan State Progress Party (SSPP) fought with the Burma Army (BA) in northern Shan State during the first clash since the regime ordered the ethnic armed organisation (EAO) to abandon its camps in the southern areas of the state.

According to an officer from SSPP, 3 BA soldiers were killed and at least 15 wounded, including a higher ranking officer, during fighting with Infantry Battalion 223 and 276 and Light Infantry Battalion 348 between Wan Poong Karng and Wan Oom in Mongmit Township (also called Moe Meik) on Friday.

An SSPP soldier was also killed and another wounded in the clashes.

The BA has sent its wounded to the military hospital in Mongmit town.

“Several Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) soldiers in civilian clothing lured BA soldiers to Mongmit town…Once they arrived at our camp, the TNLA soldiers went the other way …This is why we clashed with the BA,” he said.

SSPP spokesperson Col Sai Hsu suspected the fighting that’s already caused a number of civilians to flee their homes to soon spread to other areas the EAO controls.

The State Administration Council (SAC) chair Min Aung Hlaing invited EAOs, including SSPP, to attend so-called peace talks in Naypyidaw. SSPP agreed to meet the SAC leader, but a meeting hasn’t yet happened.

SSPP and TNLA are members of Federal Political Negotiation and Consultative Committee and neither of the EAOs have signed the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement but SSPP has signed its own bilateral ceasefire with the army and the government.

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