Some schools in Mongmit Township ordered to be closed by the Military Council

Some schools in Mongmit Township ordered to be closed by the Military Council

Some basic education schools in Mongmit Township in northern Shan State have been ordered to be closed by the Military Council troops.

The secondary school in Wam Bon Kan (Moe Bon village) and the primary school of Wam Ohm village were instructed to close by Military Regime forces from September 17 when armed clashes between the Military and SSPP/SSA broke out in Mongmit Township, SHAN News reported.

“Two schools were closed due to the Military Council’s pressure. They (the Military) forced the students to return home on September 17 evening when the Military Council troops marched to Hway Kham mountain. The schools were not able to reopen since then”, a local who asked to hide the identity for security reasons told the SHAN News.

Soldiers from the Military Council forced to shut the schools in Wam Bon Kan and Wam Ohm villages because these two villages are located very close to the foot of Hway Kham mountain, residents explained.

The Military Council had reinforced more troops since battles broke out between the Military and SSPP/SSA along the Hway Kham mountain ridge. Locals said tension around the area rapidly escalated in the aftermath.

“We saw two vehicles of Military Council troops enter the forest where SSPP/SSA forces had been deployed. The situation is still tense on both sides”, the unnamed person said.

An officer from Shan State Progressive Party/ Shan State Army that operated actively in Mongmit Township warned that more fighting could be occured if the Military trespassed the area.

“Everybody including the local people and the Military already knows we are stationed here. The villagers used to keep away from here. We heard that the Military Council is bringing in more troops. If they decide to intrude our territory, we have no choice but to shoot”, the SSPP/SSA officer said.

The Military Council launched an offensive on September 17 after their demand for the resignation of SSPP/SSA members based in Mongmit Township were neglected. The Military Council had informed their demand through the local administrative officials according to a statement from SSPP/SSA.

Another armed clash between the Military and SSPP/SSA broke out on July 1 in the area between Moe Bon and Wam Ohm villages in Mongmit Township.

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