Sickness Affects Children In Kutkai IDP Camp

Sickness Affects Children In Kutkai IDP Camp

The children of Pang Yang Hkar internally displaced persons (IDPs) camp in Mongsi village in Kutkai Township are malnourished and sick and some of them cannot stand up.

”We do not have enough medicine, so we give them herbal medicine,” says a woman who helps them. Because there’s not enough food either, everyone, including the adults in the camp, some of whom are also sick, eat rice with maize and pumpkin.

A child got sickness at Pang Yang Hkar

The camp in northern Shan State, which has been home to 253 people (139 children) from 41 families since 2012, has been struggling since donors cut off support in June.

Another woman who’s from the camp committee said they urgently need more food and medicine. “The IDPs have no money, regular work or income. We eat only two meals a day. We want to ask donors or other organisations for help.”

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