School in Leiktho Region Struggles to Reopen Amid Military Stationing

School in Leiktho Region Struggles to Reopen Amid Military Stationing

According to local news sources, military council troops have reportedly been stationed at Thanmoetaung Village High School in Leiktho Region, Thandaung Gyi Township, Karen State since the first week of May. This has made the reopening of the school extremely difficult.

Due to the presence of military council troops stationed inside the school and frequent clashes occurring every other day, officials state that it is not yet possible to reopen it.

A local woman, who did not want to be named said, "Since it's not possible for the school to reopen this year, the teachers have advised children who want to change schools, to obtain a transfer certificate and make the switch. I'm worried about how to arrange my child's schooling. Families who can afford it may have schools nearby, but it's not convenient for families who live hand to mouth."

Thanmoetaung Village High School serves as an educational institution for students who have completed primary school in neighboring villages, resulting in a significant student population. A displaced woman, who is the mother of one of the students, expressed her concerns regarding her children's education now that the school is not expected to reopen anytime soon.

"After the fighting last year, the school reopened briefly and held class exams. However due to ongoing conflicts, the school had to close again. It's really hard to figure out what to do about children's education. The school is about to reopen, but we are still displaced and unable to settle. Meanwhile, we're facing challenges with making a living. Every family is going through tough times,” she said.

In November 2022, clashes erupted between the Military Council and local resistance forces in Thanmoetaung village. The Military Council resorted to using airstrikes and artillery shells, resulting in a significant number of residents being forced to flee their homes.

Furthermore, the woman highlighted that among the local residents who have been forced to flee due to the ongoing conflict in neighboring areas, there are pregnant women, the elderly, and infants who are in dire need of healthcare and assistance.

Until today, the residents of Thanmoetaung Ywarmagyi, which comprises 180 houses in Thanmoetaung Village-Tract, along with 32 houses in Thanmoetaung Upper Village and 16 houses in Thanmoetaung South Village, have not returned due to the ongoing fighting.

According to the residents, as they were forced to flee, their homes were being looted, and the artillery shells fired by the Military Council troops caused severe damage to houses and farms in the village. This destruction resulted in a lack of food and made it challenging for the residents to sustain their livelihoods.

According to a source from the Karen National Union (KNU), on May 11, there was an exchange of fire between the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) joint forces and the Military Council troops stationed at Thanmoetaung village school. During the confrontation, one Military Council troop was reported to have been killed.

On the same evening, residents reported that the Alpha One group launched a drone attack on the Military Council camp located in Thanmoetaung village. In response, the Military Council retaliated by firing artillery shells, which resulted in explosions in Thanmoetaung Upper village. As a result of the explosions, three houses in the village were damaged, along with several farms.

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