SAC Military Council Actively Investigating Villages For Presence Of CDMMembers

SAC Military Council Actively Investigating Villages For Presence Of CDMMembers

According to the local residents in some villages in Maylamyine Township, military council troops are investigating government employees for potential involvement in the civil disobedience movement (CDM).


Military council troops were reviewing guest lists in the villages of Kato, Kawthnat, Kawhlar in Mawlamyine Township “ They (Military) entered our village and began to check the guest list, and asking about CDM, Some of the investigators were dressed as civilians,” said one Kawthnat villager.


Investigations looking for CDM supporters typically takes place at checkpoints, where some individuals are arrested or extorted for money.  Now, these investigations have moved directly into some villages.   

“ I was arrested for returning home late at night. Some people were slapped. They asked me if I knew CDM members. I had to pay 200,000 kyat at the police station to escape,” said one of those arrested.


According to a Kawhlar villager, at least 10 local people have been arrested by the Military Council.

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