Rice and Oil distributed to 11 Villages in NMSP-Controlled Ye Chaung Phya Area

Rice and Oil distributed to 11 Villages in NMSP-Controlled Ye Chaung Phya Area

On February 4rth, 11 villages in the Ye Chaung Phya area that are within the New Mon State Party (NMSP) controlled area, received rice and oil distributed by  the Ramayana Peace Foundation (RPF) and the Mon Women's Network (MWN).

The New Mon State Party ( NMSP) is a Mon armed group that has signed the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement ( NCA) and is headquartered in a jungle area on the Thai border in Mon State .

According to an NMSP report, members of the Administrative committee led by the Chair of the NMSP's Ye Chaung Phya township, along with soldiers from the Mon National Liberation Army, helped the villagers carry bags of rice to their homes.

The total number of bags of rice and oil cans distributed was not disclosed,  and the authorities did not respond to the Mon News Agency inquiries.

There are 9 named villages and 11 unnamed villages in the Ye Chaung Phya area that are under NMSP administration. The NMSP-controlled area extends to the Three Pagodas area on the Thai-Burmese border and to the  Dawei District which has a population of over 30,000 people living in more than 6,000 households spread across 35 villages.

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