Returnees crossing Three Pagoda Pass border required to quarantine

Returnees crossing Three Pagoda Pass border required to quarantine
Three Pagoda Pass Town entrance checkpoint from Thai border (MNA)
Three Pagoda Pass Town entrance checkpoint from Thai border (MNA)

As part of the COVID-19 control measures, all returnees from Thailand entering  Myanmar through the Three Pagoda Pass, in Karen State at the Thai-Myanmar border are required to go directly to a quarantine camp for 14-days starting April 5th at 9 a.m.

Those returning to Mon State will be handled by the Mon State government.

Returnees to other states and regions will be sent to a Three Pagoda Quarantine Camp for 14 days, according to the Three Pagoda Pass Administrative Office.

State Counselor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi posted on her personal Facebook page a message saying “it will show how fast the spread of the disease will develop within two or three weeks. At this time, all citizens need to adhere to the rules to prevent the disease from spreading with mindfulness.”

Daw Aung San Suu Kyi also mentioned a COVID-19 control measures law has been drafted,  and the [government] will take action if anyone violates this new law or any national security laws.

The Mon Government Office Director, U Myint Than Win said that the authorities will take action if returnees from foreign countries do not stay at the Community Based Facility Quarantine which has been prepared by the Mon State government.  This law applies to all returnees as of March 22, 2020.

Daw Aung San Suu Kyi also wrote on her Facebook page “we have to go through things we have never experienced. We have to avoid gatherings. Fewer people are better and the greater distance is better for social distancing. If more and more people are in touch (physically close to each other) , there is a great danger. Caution is never excessive. Do not feel disheartened that [we] cannot celebrate Thingyan [Water Festival] and instead make donations in your communities.”

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs released a letter on March 30, suggesting people planning on returning should enter Myanmar only after April 15 as the government is now preparing quarantine accommodations.

All border gates entering Myanmar from Thailand are largely closed. Border gates within Thailand are closed from  10 p.m. to 4 a.m. This is known as the Coronavirus curfew. Despite these measures illegal border crossings remain ongoing.

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