Restoration of electricity following cyclone repairs leads to surge in electrocution deaths in Rakhine State, prompting warnings

Restoration of electricity following cyclone repairs leads to surge in electrocution deaths in Rakhine State, prompting warnings

Following the devastating impact of Cyclone Mocha in Rakhine State, efforts were made to repair the damaged power lines, resulting in the restoration of electricity supply. However, a concerning trend has emerged as the number of fatalities caused by short circuits has risen. As a result, various social organizations are strongly advocating for heightened vigilance among the population when it comes to utilizing electricity.

On May 14th, Rakhine State was struck by Cyclone Mocha, a natural force of devastating, leading to severe damage and disruptions to the power infrastructure. However, there has been progress in the restoration efforts since June 7th, with electricity now being reinstated in certain wards within Sittwe and Ponnagyun Township. Regrettably, during the process of restoring electricity, there have been unfortunate incidents resulting in at least two fatalities due to electrocution, along with one reported injury.

"Regarding the electrocution deaths, it is difficult to determine with certainty whether the cause lies in user negligence or faults within the power department. Nevertheless, it is crucial to exercise caution during the process of redistributing power to residential areas. A meticulous pre-screening should be conducted to ensure the safety of the electrical infrastructure. Only when the repairs have reached a point of complete safety can power restoration be deemed appropriate. In the meantime, it is essential for local residents to exercise patience and await the completion of these necessary repairs”, a community elder of Bautthisu ward in Sittwe Township told Narinjara.

Electricity is presently being reinstated in certain wards of Sittwe and Ponnagyun, while the remaining townships are scheduled to have their power restored in July. The restoration process is expected to encompass Maungdaw, Buthidaung, Rathedaung, Kyauktaw, Mrauk-U, Minbya, Pauktaw, and Myebon townships during the first week of July.

"In the aftermath of the storm, we witnessed the severe impact with fallen power poles, cut power lines, and damaged transformers. It is absolutely crucial to avoid any contact with the damaged power cords. If you come across a downed power line entangled in a tree, refrain from touching the tree itself. Similarly, if you encounter a broken power line hanging from a tree or submerged in a pond, promptly notify the relevant authorities. Vigilance and caution are paramount when dealing with electricity. Determining the exact number of power lines affected by the storm remains challenging at this time”, a social worker from Sittwe warned.

"To the best of our outreach, we have urged local residents to promptly notify us if they come across power cables hanging from trees or positioned on roofs”, Ko Kyaw Soe Than, an electrical repair worker said.

On June 10th, a tragic incident occurred in Sittwe Township, where a 25-year-old electrical repair worker from the Ayeyarwady Region lost his life due to electrocution. The incident took place while he was carrying out an inspection of a damaged transformer at Konetan ward.

Likewise, another distressing incident unfolded near the Sittwe cemetery, where a young man involved in roof repairs at a monastery suffered fatal electrocution, when he accidently touched a power cord that fell on the roof.

In early June, a staff member responsible for repairing power lines endured electrocution while working on a pylon. As a result, the individual fell to the ground and is currently receiving treatment at the intensive care unit of Sittwe People Hospital.

As a result of Cyclone Mocha, severe damage was inflicted upon the townships of Sittwe, Ponnagyun, Rathedaung, Pauktaw, Kyauktaw, Mrauk-U, and Minbya in Rakhine State. The destructive force of the cyclone caused power poles to collapse, leading to widespread power outages in these areas. In response to the situation, the Military Council has mobilized over 1,000 officers and employees from the Ministry of Electric Power, who are working to restore the power supply in the affected regions.

For areas still awaiting power restoration, local authorities have provided instructions for residents to assess the condition of their home and office wiring. They have announced that residents can seek assistance from the staff at their respective township's electricity department to inspect the status of their wires.

A resident from Mrauk-U expressed her concerns regarding the staff of the electricity department, emphasizing the need for thorough inspections to ensure that they are not only fulfilling their responsibilities but also prioritizing their safety.

"It is crucial for repair staff to carry out their duties with precision, and power users must also exercise caution. Within the team responsible for preparing the power lines across the townships, there might be employees who approach their work in a lackadaisical manner, right? Therefore, even after the department's staff have completed their repair works, it is advisable for locals to call in experts for an additional inspection to ensure thoroughness”, she said.

Recently, certain neighborhoods within Sittwe Township experienced electrical short-circuits, resulting in damage to lights, lamps, meter readers, and other electronic equipment.

Only two townships, Sittwe and Ponnagyun, which are connected to the Maha power grid, Myanmar's main power grid, currently have power restored in Rakhine State. As for the rest of the townships, the Military Council has announced that power will be redistributed in early July, so social organizations have urged residents to be vigilant about the dangers of electricity at that time.

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