Resistance-led administration levies regular tax-collection from business sector in Sagaing

Resistance-led administration levies regular tax-collection from business sector in Sagaing

The Kale Township People's Administrative Team has recently initiated legal measures against business owners who fail to fulfill their tax obligations within Kale Township, situated in the Sagaing Region.

In response to the pressing need for revenue to fuel the progress of the revolution, the Administrative Team has embarked on a systematic tax collection campaign, with a primary focus on local business owners. This proactive approach aims to prevent any undue burden on the general public.

According to a representative from the Administrative Team, following May 26th an additional 10-day educational period was established, with the measures officially enforced starting from June 5th.

"As of now, we have witnessed a positive response from certain individuals who have begun fulfilling their tax obligations. In cases where tax evasion was detected in specific shops and businesses, we have temporarily seized some assets and engaged in discussions regarding their tax liabilities. If they commit to paying the required taxes, we adhere to the established protocols and promptly return the confiscated items”, he said.

The Kale Township People's Administrative Team has provided assurance that the majority of the tax revenue collected will be primarily allocated to the interim education sector. Furthermore, they emphasize their commitment to ensuring responsible financial management and strict oversight to prevent any instances of wasteful expenditure.

“What this means is that this process becomes like a regular government tax-collecting mechanism. Given the current circumstances of dual governance with the Military Council and the National Unity Government (NUG), taxation plays a vital role in sustaining a functional government. Our aim is to facilitate the flow of tax revenue to NUG, with a primary focus on investing these funds into the education sector, within the territories under our control. It is our responsibility to ensure that these financial resources are utilized judiciously without any wastage”, he added.

Within Kale Township, businesses are required to pay two types of taxes: resource tax and municipal tax. These taxes can be conveniently settled through online platforms or by utilizing direct tax service methods.

The Administrative Team has also issued a warning, stating that they will take necessary measures to impede the transportation of goods belonging to businessmen, who fail to fulfill their tax obligations.

"It is essential for businesses to distribute their products, but we want to make it clear that we will not permit the transportation of goods from businesses that have evaded taxes across our controlled territories. This policy will not only be enforced in Kale Township but also in every township where administrative teams have been established”, he emphasized.

An activist from Kale Township expressed support for the initiative of the Administrative Team to begin collecting taxes from local businesses.

"I believe taxation is a crucial aspect that cannot be overlooked. Even in established democracies, the functioning of the administrative system relies on regular tax payments. However, in the current period of revolution, ordinary citizens are facing numerous hardships and struggling to meet their basic needs. So it becomes a burden for individuals to fulfill their tax obligations. Nevertheless, businesses should bear the responsibility of paying taxes. Conversely, when it comes to the collection of taxes by Township Administrative Teams or the People's Defense Force (PDF), ensuring the safety and security of taxpayers becomes a paramount consideration. The level of protection they can offer to the public in light of any potential repercussions is a vital question that needs careful consideration”, he pointed out.


Businesses engaged in activities involving oil, quarrying, brick production, coal mining, wood and bamboo logging and fuel distribution are required to pay resource taxes. Meanwhile, businesses operating in sectors such as grocery stores, passenger bus lines, highway terminals, warehouses, lumber mills, and liquor establishments are obligated to pay municipal taxes.

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