Residents Safety Concerns Heighten as Dead Bodies Frequently Found

Residents Safety Concerns Heighten as Dead Bodies Frequently Found

In 2023, in Hpakant Township, Kachin State, a region known for its jade resources in Myanmar, there were frequent occurrences of unidentified dead bodies being discovered. This has raised concerns among the local residents about their safety and security.

According to the residents of Hpakant, two consecutive incidents of finding unidentified dead bodies occurred in the area. One body was discovered on June 6, followed by another body found on June 7.

A man from Hsengtaung shared, "The most important thing is how it makes us feel. Living in a state of constant vigilance makes us feel insecure. The region's political instability creates an ongoing sense of uncertainty for the people living here."

According to local residents and officials from social assistance associations in Hpakant township, there have been at least 20 cases of unattended bodies found in the area from the beginning of 2023 until the first week of June.

With the increasing number of unattended bodies discovered in Hpakant township, the local residents are compelled to exercise extreme caution in their daily activities. They express deep concerns regarding not only the potential threats to their lives but also the psychological insecurity they experience.

Since the military coup, there has been a noticeable increase in similar incidents, and the perpetrators responsible for these crimes have not been caught or brought to justice until now.

Local Free Funeral Service Societies and residents from various neighborhoods and villages have taken on the responsibility of arranging funerals and burials for the unattended victims who were killed in Hpakant township.

According to the information gathered by Network Media Group, during a span of over 5 months from the start of 2023 to the first week of June, there have been reports of at least 20 unidentified deceased individuals found in Hpakant, with the majority of these incidents occurring in Hpakant, Hsengtaung, and Longkhin.

The reasons for which these individuals were killed remain unknown at this time.

However, based on the analysis of local residents, it is believed that the individuals who were killed were primarily perceived as members of the People's Defense Force (PDF) by the Military Council, individuals associated with the Kachin Independence Army (KIA), and those who were suspected of being informants for the Military Council by the revolutionary forces.

The majority of the victims reportedly died as a result of stab wounds, gunshot wounds, beatings, and torture. Additionally, there are accounts of individuals being killed with their hands tied behind their backs, blindfolded, and subjected to severe beatings and torture until their death.

In the midst of the unstable political situation following the coup d'état, the number of people being killed has been increasing. However, no significant actions have been taken to address these crimes, and the perpetrators remain at large. As a result, Hpakant residents express a deep sense of insecurity and lack of safety in their daily lives.

A resident from Hpakant expressed, "In the past, nothing significant occurred when the political situation was stable. However, in the last 1-2 years, we have witnessed many incidents directly linked to politics. I believe that these occurrences would cease if the political environment were stable. On the other hand, if the political situation remains unstable, I fear that this cycle will persist indefinitely. It is a constant source of worry for me that things will never improve."

According to eyewitnesses, an unidentified man in his 30s was killed on the road to Hparpyin at approximately 7:00 a.m. on June 7. The body of the deceased had a cardboard sign with the word "robber" attached to it, as reported by the eyewitnesses.

Furthermore, on the evening of June 6, a decomposing unidentified body was discovered near Hsengtaung village, according to reports.

In the Hpakant region, there is a frequent occurrence of robberies, murders, shootings, abductions by the Military Council using civilians as human shields, as well as arrests and torture of innocent individuals. The local residents express their frustration, as they are unsure about which organizations or authorities to approach and seek assistance for the human rights violations they are experiencing.

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