PPST says an EAO conference is being planned

PPST says an EAO conference is being planned

Peace Process Steering Team (PPST), a leading organization implementing the peace processes of the ceasefire groups, said that they are trying to hold a political dialogue involving all ethnic armed organizations (EAOs) before the end of this year.

PPST is trying to organize a conference in which not only the ceasefire groups, but also non-ceasefire groups can participate, PPST spokesperson Colonel Saw Kyaw Nyunt said.

“We will work on a program where both the ethnic armed organizations and organizations that have not yet reached a ceasefire agreement can meet and discuss. It's been a long time since we all met together like in the days of NCCT. PPST is willing to hold a seminar involving all ethnic armed organizations before the end of 2022. This is just the preliminary stage of expressing our opinion. Detailed plans will require extensive discussions. Until now, it is still in a very early stage”, he explained.

Colonel Khun Okkar, a leader of the Pa’O ethics also said, “It is generally set to meet and discuss before the year end. We are still negotiating with all the northern groups, southern groups, and the midland groups. As soon as it's convenient, we can start planning for the meeting”.

The time, date, location, and agendas of the meeting will be decided only after discussion with the EAOs.

“Which organizations will be invited has not been specified yet. Programs to be included and agendas to be discussed are currently only proposed by the PPST side. Due to the importance of joint ownership of all EAOs, the date and meeting place will be decided after consultation with everyone. We wish to make the arrangement acceptable to all”, Colonel Saw Kyaw Nyunt emphasized.

On the other hand, the Restoration Council of Shan State (RCSS), one of NCA-signed EAOs, issued a statement on October 10 that it would like to meet with all EAOs to rebuild trust.

The RCSS’ invitation to dialogue is similar in concept to the all-EAO conference that the PPST wants to hold, Colonel Khun Okkar said.

“PPST wants to hold an Ethnic Seminar and it is the same idea as RCSS. We are constantly monitoring the political climate and situation. At this time, RCSS offered the invitation, same to us. The objectives are not different”, he added.

The political dialogue for peace was halted since the Military staged the coup. Meanwhile the Inter-EAO talks also stalled due to the differences of opinion.

Due to these circumstances, efforts are being made to implement a political dialogue before the end of this year in which all EAOs can participate and discuss.

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