Police arrest member of Mon Peace Defense Force, for killing NMSP member

Police arrest member of Mon Peace Defense Force, for killing NMSP member

The police arrested and prosecuted a member of the Mon Peace Defense Force/Mon People’s Militia  who shot and killed a New Mon State Party (NMSP) member on October 15th at 7pm.

The incident was linked to a dispute that occured at a Mon militia checkpoint on  Thanbyuzayat-Ye Road, near the Sone Nanthar Village [Thanbyuzayat Township].

The Mon People’s Militia led by Nai Yar Za had been allowed to establish a checkpoint by local Tatmadaw battalions.  The group operating under the name of the Mon Peace Defense Force was collecting money from trucks passing through the checkpoint.

The Ye Township Police Chief Lt. Col. Win Myint confirmed that Nai Yar Zar with the Mon Peace Defense Force, was caught by the Ye Police on 16 October afternoon, and charged under Section 302 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.

The victim was Min Zaw Latt, a member of the NMSP’s District Committee who worked at the NMSP Research Division.  The NMSP and his family lodged a complaint with the police in Dawei District.

According to some media reports the incident may also have been linked to the actions of a drug trafficking gang operating in the area.

A Mon State-based news agency close to a government security force reported that unidentified drug gang members on motorcycles, stormed a checkpoint in Sone Nanthar village.

The Mon News Agency received a copy of telegram from U Kan Win (Pa/4308) General Administrator of Ye Township, that recounted the incident.  According to the telegram, “Five people, including 39-year-old Nai Yar Za, a member of the Mon People’s Militia, and seven other unidentified men started firing with small arms for about five minutes.”

Spent gun shells along with 14 rounds of ammunition were reportedly found at the site.

However, Nai Tai Pakao, a NMSP liaison officer told the Mon News Agency a different version of events, “at night, they are at the gate to stop our car and they are forced to sit down. Our member was shot dead due to the altercation and the other escaped. In this process, there is no fighting.”

Nai Banyar Lae, New Mon State Party (NMSP) Internal Affairs Officer, also challenged the recounting of a gun fire battle.  He said, “It is almost impossible for them to enter the checkpoint with a small weapon. Not a single bullet was missing from the gun of our dead soldier. It is impossible for them to shoot at each other.”

This was not the first incident resulting in a fatality involving Mon separatists. In 2009, NMSP District Committee member Nai Min Naung was assassinated by three Mon separatists.

According to a 2014 report from the  BNI Multimedia group, the Mon Peace and Defence Force was founded in 2008 by Brigadier General Aung Naing, a retired army chief of the new Mon State Party (NMSP). Retired NMSP Colonel Nai Shaung joined them in 2010 and led the force after Brigadier General Aung Naing died. Though the Mon Peace and Defence Force was organized by former NMSP members it has never been formally involved with the NMSP.

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