Over a Thousand Forced to Flee in Junta Strike

Over a Thousand Forced to Flee in Junta Strike

The Military Council troops carried out military operations in the villages of Bilin Township, Doo Tha Htoo (Thaton) District, a territory of the Karen National Union (KNU) brigade 1. As a result of artillery shellings, three local residents lost their lives, and over a thousand people were forced to flee their homes, local residents said.

The Military Council deployed a substantial number of troops and conducted military operations in several villages of Bilin Township, including Hnget Pyaw Taw, Karaway Seik, Shan Su, Chan Myae, and Zee Kone. As a result over a thousand local residents flee their homes and seek safety elsewhere.

"After military operations commenced, all the villages were evacuated as a precautionary measure. During the artillery shelling, the vendor, his wife, and a villager lost their lives. One person is spotted on the street of Zee Kone village and another by the entrance of a shop, as fear prevents anyone from returning. The residents sought refuge from the rain overnight, leaving behind their homes and belongings, creating an urgent demand for assistance," said a resident of Bilin Township.

On July 15, the military column initiated military operations and launched artillery shell attacks.

According to a recent report by the Karen Human Rights Organization (KHRG), in the Doo Tha Htoo (Thaton) district, a territory of the KNU Brigade 1, a total of 32 civilians lost their lives, and 83 others were injured due to the firing of artillery shells by the Junta since the coup.

Bilin residents reported that  following the military operations, artillery shells were launched in Karaway Seik and Zee Kone villages. Tragically, three local residents, were killed by the shells.

On July 16 the villagers decided to return to their village, believing that the military column had departed. However they were unaware that the military was still present and actively deploying in the area. Upon their return, the military arrested and threatened some of the residents who had come back, and also those who were hiding in the village. Later in the evening, the military released them.

"As of now they remain stationed at the Karaway Seik bridge, with troops deployed extensively along the route. Individuals who were released after their arrest conveyed their intentions to dismantle all revolutionary camps and lay mines throughout the road," another local man told KIC.

On July 11, the Artillery Battalion 314 of the Military Council launched artillery shell attacks on villages in Shwe Yaung Pya village-tract. As a result of these attacks, two local homes in Shwe Yaung Pya village were damaged.


According to the press release issued by the Karen National Union (KNU) on July 16, on July 7, a tragic incident occurred in Shwe Yaung Pya village where artillery shells fired into the village resulted in injuries to six locals. Among them, a woman named Naw Tin Aye sustained severe injuries and died as a result of the attack.

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